Canberra Women in Business Inc. is a not for profit incorporated association supporting women in business in the Canberra region.
Founded in 1992, Canberra Women in Business Inc (formerly the Chamber of Women in Business) is an organisation created by women and run solely for women, to provide support and development opportunities for businesswomen in the Canberra region. Developing business skills, offering powerful connections in an environment tailored to the needs of women, Canberra Women in Business fosters the confidence to establish and grow successful businesses.
It's more than just fuzzy feels... we operate in accordance with our pillars to promote, advocate and grow women in business.
Canberra Women in Business host monthly events including networking, Q&A panels, workshops and gatherings as well as facilitating access to mentorship.

To be a voice, provide business development opportunities and act as a business information channel for ACT and region businesswomen.
To be recognised as an effective organisation making a difference to the success of businesswomen in the ACT and region.